
               author = "Silva Junior, Celso Henrique Leite and Heinrich, Viola H. A. and 
                         Freire, Ana T. G. and Broggio, Igor S. and Rosan, Thais M. and 
                         Doblas, Juan Prieto and Anderson, Liana O. and Rousseau, Guillaume 
                         X. and Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir and Silva, Carlos A. and House, 
                         Joanna I. and Arag{\~a}o, Luiz Eduardo Oliveira e Cruz de",
          affiliation = "{Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and {University 
                         of Bristol} and {Universidade Federal do Maranh{\~a}o (UFMA)} and 
                         {Tropical Ecosystems and Environmental Sciences lab} and 
                         {University of Exeter} and {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas 
                         Espaciais (INPE)} and {Tropical Ecosystems and Environmental 
                         Sciences lab – TREES} and {Universidade Estadual do Maranh{\~a}o 
                         (UEMA)} and {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and 
                         {University of Maryland} and {University of Bristol} and 
                         {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)}",
                title = "Benchmark maps of 33 years of secondary forest age for Brazil",
              journal = "Scientific Data",
                 year = "2020",
               volume = "7",
               number = "1",
                pages = "e269",
                month = "Dec.",
             abstract = "The restoration and reforestation of 12 million hectares of 
                         forests by 2030 are amongst the leading mitigation strategies for 
                         reducing carbon emissions within the Brazilian Nationally 
                         Determined Contribution targets assumed under the Paris Agreement. 
                         Understanding the dynamics of forest cover, which steeply 
                         decreased between 1985 and 2018 throughout Brazil, is essential 
                         for estimating the global carbon balance and quantifying the 
                         provision of ecosystem services. To know the long-term increment, 
                         extent, and age of secondary forests is crucial; however, these 
                         variables are yet poorly quantifed. Here we developed a 30-m 
                         spatial resolution dataset of the annual increment, extent, and 
                         age of secondary forests for Brazil over the 19862018 period. 
                         Land-use and land-cover maps from MapBiomas Project (Collection 
                         4.1) were used as input data for our algorithm, implemented in the 
                         Google Earth Engine platform. This dataset provides critical 
                         spatially explicit information for supporting carbon emissions 
                         reduction, biodiversity, and restoration policies, enabling 
                         environmental science applications, territorial planning, and 
                         subsidizing environmental law enforcement.",
                  doi = "10.1038/s41597-020-00600-4",
                  url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-00600-4",
                 issn = "2052-4436",
                label = "lattes: 0506851271452550 1 SilvaJrCeRoMoVaMaMa:2020:AmFoEd",
             language = "pt",
           targetfile = "Silva junior_benchmark.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "20 set. 2024"
